If you are a woman or NB sound professional / student, you can become a WWAS member by joining our Facebook group or contact us below if you don't have a FB account. You can become a supporter by following our Instagram page.
If you are looking to hire a sound professional, please find our WWAS members in the following directories: AMPS, Primetime, EQUAL, Reel Angels.
WWAS is a network of women & gender non-conforming colleagues who are working in, or studying, sound. annamy.bertmark@gmail.com

Bertie at 5A studios
WWASound.com is created and updated by volunteers.
If you've found this website helpful, we would really appreciate a small donation.
Your support will help us keep it going and keep providing resources and visibility for women and gender minorities in sound.

Keep WWASound.com going - buy us a coffee!